Friday, February 20, 2009

Korean Base Soup - Boo Dae Jigae

I went out to lunch and got a little history lesson at the same time. In the days of the Korean War here, the locals had little to no food. They had been ruled by the Japanese for 30+ years and didn't get very far ahead in that time, not to mention WWII had basically just ended for them and they were somewhat liberated, but with the nation divided at the 38th Parallel, they weren't ready to become a unified productive nation with all those issues. What does that have to do with Base Soup? Scattered all over Korea were many military bases and camps. They all produced garbage from the food services and supplies that were shipped in for the GI's. So if you want to survive, you ate what the soldiers threw away. They threw away hot dogs and cheese and spam, etc. I'm sure there's a lot of people that owe their lives to the people that probably set the food aside for the locals to eat. The place we went to was on the backside of Camp Coiner and there's a few of the joints still around there. Probably goes back to then.

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