I could have sworn in the last two nights the North Koreans were coming down here- after they flattened Seoul. And I was in the Seoul-flattening part of the deal. There were these thunderstorms that rival a Nebraska gully-washer at 4AM, every night. Complete with the fireworks that help add to the effect. The first night, Julie jumped in bed but I was up a few seconds before it all hit and figured something was up. No sense being scared when the North Koreans are shelling you. Then last night's sound and light show scared me and I couldn't get back to sleep for an hour. We sleep with the windows open and fans on us here - so the jerk that starts up his Daelim (Harley wannabe) at 6:30 in the morning gets to wake up all of Ichon-dong when he does that.
So the big question for the 33,000 American Servicemembers is this- how does this all end? Seoul isn't exactly a bombed-out hole in the ground-it's a full up cosmopolitan city. Based on the stuff I've read about the North, they're all paying lip service to the "Great Leader". These idiots always have to create a cult of personality and a god-like appearance to the people who probably don't want to worship him, but would rather pay homage to the little freak than get shot or tortured. That's the true crime here- the lack of freedom to vote against him because in the US, he'd be on the O'Reilley Factor faster than John Edwards' sprint from the No-Tell Motel at 3AM.
There's a few things you should know about Kim Jong Il. He's a freak. And he's really a freak- he's into Western movies and mass-media. Like he's into the whole Cowboy thing. I'll bet he cried like a baby in "Brokeback Mountain". (SHUDDER) Who knows what else that guy is into. So you're not exactly dealing with a rational person here.
It is neat reading about all your adventures, keep them coming. It sounds like you guys are very adventurous and the kids are just taking all of it in stride. It must be a little scary with the bombings.
There's no shooting here- I wouldn't come here if that was going on, let alone bring my family out here to a war zone. Unless you count driving.....
So Julie did you get everything set up for school yet. I hope you guys had a fun Korea celebration. I love reading your adventures and learning more about the korean life style. It is really interesting. Nikki is taking chinese in school this year. We met her teacher last night and some of the parents couldn't understand her.(she was from China)
Nikki shrugged her shoulders and said I understood her fine. I told her she has had lots of practice with franks family. HA HA
Talk To you soon Lots of Love Robin
When are you guys coming out here? I don't know when we'll go to China or anything. I need to find the best way to get to Thailand for Christmas first. It looks expensive, but we'll want to get away from the cold for a week.
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